Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ravensthorpe WA

So much thanklings they turn to giant THANKS shooting through the sky, as we utter exclamations of gratitude to Jenny and Andrew Chambers at Yooroonga Farm for our beds, for feeding us, for the work at the Community Centre that elicited the donation of $250, and all the goodwill and friendship shown to us.

To Rees, starting his second day at Yooroonga Farm with the Chambers family when we arrived, we thank him for the $50 donation left to us

Good on ya Mazz and Geoff, the neighbours of Andrew and jenny and a bloody good sort too

To Jessie and Geoff Fairhead, who donated $100 to us for a mornings work attacking their garden with the vim and gusto characteristic of Ancient times people, the ones with the wisdom to know the difference between hither and thither

Thank you to Neil and Tracy Harding at the BP Roadhouse for the $50 fuel donation

Thanks to Paula Race, Anne's little, by by no means insignificant, sister who paid for the upkeep on Anne's Flicker Photo account. There's more to photography than point-and-click.

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