Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Esperance WA

"...and unto thee I hereby set you these tasks three" said Derek Clarke to us, in a lay-by just outside town, where he met us, handed us a folder, with maps, an itinerary, three enigmatic challenges to complete and just a hint of the overly-dramatic. It set us up for all that was to come...

To Laurie and Rachel Seton, and their impish kiddiewinks, the willowy and elegant Rowan, the livewire chatterbox Sarah, irrepressible little Liam and ball-obsessed dog Oscar for the hospitality, the goodwill, and all that goes with staying in a wholesome family atmosphere.

Thanks to APEX who put so much effort into helping us with our fundraising and who disclosed what the three challenges were that Derek had merely hinted at, made sure we were well looked after, well saturated with alcohol and acquainted with everyone in town, to Steve and Dave, Sheree, Sarah, Ross, Derek, Laurie and everyone else

To Wrothie, Barry Wroth, who belies his name to be a very placid and nice man indeed. Until you get him inside a 4x4 and place him along a stretch of open coastline that is. Kill it Wrathie! kILL IT!!

Thanks to Ross Beckett and daughter Sarah who harassed passersby and motorists to elicit donations as we were completing challenge three

Thanks to Luke Winter of Radio West for the interview

They own the Bay Automotive Group and are by name called Stuart Ward and Bruce Kelman, but what is in a name? can you distill the essence of a person from their moniker, their birth-stamp? a Rose by any other name is just as sweet, and sweet indeed are these two gentlemen, as men of the world, men of honour, men to be reckoned with and to be depended upon, men to the very end.
So, in tribute, and defying all convention, is the best we can do for these two giants, who went our of their way for us, above and beyond, who went out on a limb, who sorted us out with supplies, with fuel, with clothing, with things to do, who took us to dinner, who made it their mission to to go and get us absolutely smashed in Stuart's Night Clubesque games room, the suitably titled Sin City, and who still, to this day, carry on the good work. A privilege and honour to meet these blokes.

Thanks to Greame Lamer at Retrovision for the phone and the headsets and sim packs to barter with and use

Bloody Thorpie! Brett Thorpe, Captain of the Ant, took us fishing out to the Figure of Eight and we caught fish, fought the elements, bravely crewed the boat by eating the odd sandwich and holding on tightly as Thorpie, bloody Thorpie, gave us a great day out and the breaking of our duck at catching fish.

Thank you to the Bay Rotary Club for all they did for us too

To Brian Tolhurst, notable Rotarian and baker, who ensured we had enough bread to take accross the Nullarbor

To Jock "The Wrecker" Murray, esteemed Rotarian, raconteur and gladabout, who filled us with fuel before we left.

To Paul Wennegal, who sponsored one of our challenges to the tune of $250, and helped us out in other ways too, we thank and say 'tis was a pelasure, sir'

To Lee Mackay, who donated to us another $250 if we help her out on the Sunday morning serving brekkie to the participants at the Relay For Life fundraiser.

To the fellas at Auto One who provided us with the jerry-cans we needed to cross the Nullarbor

To the other Rotary Club and Rob Leiper who introduced us, for the opportunity to talk and for the good will shown to us there

Yipee-kay-ey! To the Library ladies, Anne Hilton, Jayne Arnold, Marni, and Gladys and Mags who fed us quiche and cakes and were so nice as pie to us.

Thanks to Lucy, at the Onshore cafe for breakfast

To Henrietta and Donald MacKenzie, who run their olive farm in town, and who offered work to us, a place to stay and delicious homemade dinners. Very interesting octogenarian couple, inspiring too, and so full of vim and gusto, joi de vivre and a lust for life that retirement for them means being as active and as busy as ever, producing Olive Oil for sale as others their age sit and drink tea and watch Countdown

Thank you Esperance

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