Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Along the Nullarbor SA

'Welcome to South Australia' said Paul Crawford at the Border Village Roadhouse as he filled our tank for us and fed us too.

Thanks to the Nullarbor Roadhouse for the camp the brekkie, and the only wild dingoes we've seen so far

To Penang Roadhouse we say thankyouverymuch in an Elvis style because, well, the guy was that cool wasn't he, and these people deserve to be flattered by association

Smoky Bay Caravan Park. They squeezed us in besides the ladies toilets on the only spare patch of anything as we forgot it was Easter weekend. Thank you again

Thank You to Wunderna Roadhouse for the $20 of fuel

Get into it! said Terry at the Liberty Windinnie Roadhouse as he donated $30 of fuel to us

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