Monday, December 1, 2008

Stuart Highway South

Thanks to Edsei Nememo at BP Tenant Creek for the $20 fuel donation

Big hugs to Big John Duncan, who we met while camping at the Devil’s Marbles campsite, who took it upon himself to get us as drunk as drunk could be, fetching drinks from the fridge in the back of his 4x4, played us songs in the 4x4, made us sing to the Kinks in the 4x4, recite Slim Dusty, and generally rocked out with us until the wee hours of the early morn.

To Kersti at Wauchope Hotel and Roadhouse who donated $20 fuel to us.

To Lew Farkas at Wycliffe Wells (Aliens from Outer Space Themed) Roadhouse for the $20 fuel donation.

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