Saturday, December 20, 2008

Stuart Highway North

Thanks to Ben, Emily and Lexi for the $20 fuel donation

Go and say good on ya to Frank, who worked us in some drains for $30 fuel and some food and cigarettes

Say Hi, to Jack Harries at the Hi Way Inn, Daly Waters for the $30 fuel we earned for siliconing the roof and sweeping the forecourt.

Just go to the famous Daly Waters Historic Hotel and meet Lindsay, Robyn, their Rodeo King son Paddy, daughter Kate and staff Jess and Brian. It’s famous because, as Lindsay says, ‘everyone knows about it, that’s why’. Good answer from good people. We worked, got fed, given drinks, raised donations at the bar, and had, for the first time in, it seemed like for, for, forever, an airconditioned sleeping quarters.

Good on yer Marilyn Starr

The Dutch fellers, John, Rom and Mark, who donated to our pot.

To Steve Toms, of Top End Explorer Tours in Kakadu, who we got chatting to at the bar in Daly Waters, who donated to the pot too, and who was a thoroughly decent chap into the bargain.

To Barry and Anne, who run the Pink Panther Roadhouse and Pub at Larrimah, and Samantha and Snappy Time the crocodiles who reside within. We worked, got fed, found a bed, and they chucked more than a penneths worth into the charity pot for us. Thanks to you.

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