Saturday, October 18, 2008

Magnetic Island

Thank you again to Adrienne from Fantasea Adventure Cruises, who organmised for us, at very short notice, the ferry ride over to Magnetic Island. Above and beyone again. Thanks to Jason, the manager, who ok'd everything, and to Michelle, who gave us the tickets and was a charming, lovely person to us smelly people.

It was a pure pleasure to have stayed with George Hirst and Penelope Sheridan at their beautiful spread in the bush. Lovely people, interesting, down-to-earth and funny too. George runs the Magnetic Times the local paper and Pen cycles the most awsome hill on the island to get to work each day. We learnt a lot working with you two. We enjoyed every minute of it.

Thanks to Louis and Louise who were charming and who donated tobacco to two very cheeky impish fidgety fellas

Muchas gracias to Jan Perry of Nelly Bay who invited us to fix some Possom Boxes for her. We did, and thanks for your donation to Book Aid too. Nelly Bay

Steph Chaffey, of Nelly Bay, thanks for giving us more work to do. We loved getting into the mulch and spreading it around. Very Mulch!

Thanks a million to Lindell Vaudrey also of Nelly Bay, who gave us work to do in riddng her yard of 22 years worth accumulated stuff and taking it to the dump. Thanks for your donation to Book Aid and for the gifts you gave us too. Love them thongs! Top Notch belts too!

Thanks to all the people who came and chatted to us, who donated to us, who fed us, gave us beer and said hello at the Friday Night Markets by the RSL Club. We had a great time and raised a few bob too. Good on ya!

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