Friday, October 3, 2008

1770/ Agnes Waters

To the fine people st Miriam Vale Roadhouse and Caravan Park - Mary and Stan, Emma, Christie, Hayley, Jan and Penny and Cindy and Pam at The Star service station. We askled for enough fuel to get us to 1770, and you threw in some pies too. Times like these...

If you ever meet Don Growcott, of 1770 Undersea Adventure, shake him by the hand. He lives in the town called 1770, and runs a dive boat. We didn't get there till late, and only had a day to travel up to Rockhampton. We were gutted we couldn't take you up on the offer of a dive. A gentleman who provided us with a bed for the night nonetheless and educated us on Marine life in the process. Thanks again. Don.

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